发布时间:2023-03-03 点此:32次
2020年12月31日之前入读该专业课的学生均可享受南方理工学院2020年奖学金项目,若无语言成绩,可以申请26周免费语言奖学金课程,通过Pearson Test of English(Academic)-PTE考试即可入读专业课。
诸多历届护理专业毕业生都已经获得新西兰注册护士资格并顺利就业。例如:护理专业本地毕业生Sarah,目前已在南地省医院就业;马来西亚华裔Cornelia Chin,护理专业优秀毕业生。马来西亚高中学历,2014年5月入读语言奖学金课程,2014年7月入读护理预科,并于2015年2月入读护理本科课程,2017年12月护理本科毕业,目前已成功考取新西兰注册护士。
Sigrid Joblin-Mills - Bachelor of Nursing
“Study at SIT has made me appreciate career-focused study. SIT and the Bachelor of Nursing exceeded my expectations and I value what SIT has to offer students –providing applicable skills for the real world. The tutors are passionate and knowledgeable about nursing. They strongly focus on teaching us about patient-centred care, and are passionate about this. The variety of placements was also great. As nursing is such a broad and versatile profession, it was useful to gain experience in a variety of workplaces. SIT equipped me with the theoretical and practical skills required to enter the nursing profession.”
Mia Wang - Bachelor of Nursing
“SIT provided a very supportive environment in which to study. Every month the international students had a one on one meeting with the tutors to make sure we were getting on ok and to see if there was anything else they could do to support us better.”
Annalise Ward - Bachelor of Nursing
“The tutors were more than helpful, the student support services were fantastic and the facilities great. What I appreciated the most was the wide variety of placements I was able to go on. This gave me an insight into a wide range of work places and I was able to meet a large amount of health professionals. Before starting the course, I was very na?ve to what nursing would be like. By the time of graduation, I can say that I was well prepared for the kind of work that I am now doing.”
Shannan Miller - Bachelor of Nursing
“I heard about SIT because I’m from Invercargill and it’s the tertiary education in Invercargill. I also heard that they had an excellent nursing programme.”
“The library staff go out of their way to help you and the campus is easy to find your way around. The placements that you complete are valuable learning experiences giving a wide range of different areas available once you graduate. I am now a Registered Nurse on the Medical Ward at Southland Hospital.”
Joanna May - Bachelor of Nursing
Invercargill has given us a great lifestyle. We have time to enjoy our new home as we don‘t have long commutes and we aren’t sitting in traffic jams for hours each day.”
“The range of topics we study is incredibly varied, we study sociology, growth and development, primary health and law and ethics.
“Coming from the UK, the high level of cultural safety education was invaluable for me. Those classes gave me a deeper understanding of New Zealand history, the chronic health disparities we have and the role of the Nurse in bridging this gap.
“In year three, I spent nearly four months in the mental health services. To spend that much time working alongside knowledgeable mentors who were as committed to my education and training as I am, was invaluable and gave me confidence in my practice and abilities as a new to practice nurse. They educated me on their illnesses and how they live with them. Maybe it‘s because SIT student nurses are so established in Invercargill, but I have never had a patient not want me to work for them because I am student. The patients have been incredibly open, supportive and receptive to us. I am looking forward to continuing my learning and education.”