发布时间:2023-03-04 点此:32次
课程名称:Graduate DiplomainHotel Management
Graduate Diplomain Tourism Management
Compulsory Courses:
o TOUR.7750 Industry Internship or
o TOUR.7751 Industry Internship or
o MGMT.7990 Industry Project or
o MGMT.7991 Industry Project
Options List (choose 3 of the following):
o TOUR.5590 Defining Hospitality in Tourism
o TOUR.5700 Hotel Operations
o TOUR.6700 Hotel Management
o TOUR.6686 Hospitality Operations
o NURS.7001 Applied Research
o TOUR.7786 Hospitality Issues and Strategy
o TOUR.7800 Hotel Sales and Marketing
Compulsory Courses
o GENR.5581 Information Skills or
NURS.7001 Applied Research
o TOUR.6985 Tourism Industry Management
o TOUR.7985 Tourism Business Strategy
o TOUR.7750 Industry Internship or
MGMT.7990 Industry Project
Options List (choose 3)
o TOUR.5980 Principles of Tourism
o TOUR.6901 Impacts of Tourism
o TOUR.6690 Cultural Aspects of Tourism
o TOUR.7701 Tourism Futures
o TOUR.7702 Service Management
o TOUR.7910 Environmental Management and Planning for Tourism