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  金牌老师介绍,,Master of Teaching & Learning (Primary)概况 ,1年 180学分,本科成绩B+以上,4个7,每年一月份开学,学费:28560/120学分。

  奥克兰理工大学,Master of Teaching & Learning (Primary)






  Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary)

  Do you already hold a bachelor‘s dee and want to become a teacher? Postgraduate study in initial teacher education is new to New Zealand, and AUT is one of the places where you can study this one year professional qualification to become a teacher. The AUT Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary) has four themes: - See more at: http://www.aut.ac.nz/study-at-aut/study-areas/education/postgraduate-study/master-of-teaching-and-learning#sthash.ab9OE3WN.LAOrexB6.dpuf

  *Become a responsive and resilient teacher who understands their identity as teacher, the nature of their students, and the unique Aotearoa New Zealand socio-cultural and political context and its impact on education.

  *Integrated, holistical, hands-on learning: Spend half your week at AUT University and the other half in schools, where we work in partnership to give you an integrated and holistic learning experience.

  *Adaptive teaching: Become an ’adaptive‘ expert: a teacher who not only has the abilities, knowledge and skills to teach, but one who is able to use evidence-based teaching as inquiry to tune into the needs of individual students, particularly those who struggle in the current school system.

  *A future-oriented focus, equipped to teach and prepare children to live in a future world.

  Programme code: AK1047

  Level: 9

  Points: 180

  Duration: 1 year full-time

  Venue: North Campus

  Start date: 18 January 2016

  AUT encourages early application. This qualification will remain open until all places have been filled.

  Entry requirements

  A bachelor’s degree with a B+ average (calculated based on the last year of the undergraduate degree)

  Completion of a personal declaration form (which includes permission for a police clearance)

  The names of three people who will act as your referee. Note: One of your referees will be contacted by telephone and the other will be required to complete a written reference.

  CV with five year work history and a list of memberships in professional organiions.

  A school visit to one of our partnership schools prior to interview

  Face to face interview

  Demonstration of ICT skills and completion of literacy and numeracy tests to demonstrate high levels of comprehension, fluency and accuracy

  Demonstration of group skills through a simulation activity at interview

  All applicants must ensure they meet the New Zealand Teachers Council requirements for English Language Proficiency prior to admission to the programme. The requirements changed on 1 January 2015. View the new requirements. The IELTS test (academic version) score required is 7.0 (or above) in all bands.

  You also need to meet all EDUCANZ requirements of good character, which is assessed in the application process below.

  A safety check will be completed to ensure you meet all the requirements as set out in section 31 of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014. Here is a statement from the School of Education regarding the Vulnerable Children Act (1 July 2015 update).

  *Please note: Applicants with overseas qualifications must have these assessed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) as equivalent to a New Zealand Level 7 bachelor‘s degree or above. Please visit the NZQA website for further information.

  Structure and content

  This is an intensive programme that involves two days each week (Monday and Tuesday) in a partnership school and two days (Thursday and Friday) at the university. On Wednesday there is a mix of university activities and visits to other school contexts. For 12 weeks of the year student teachers will be on a sustained period of practicum in a partnership school (5 weeks in semester 1 and 7 weeks in semester 2) working with a professional learning mentor in the classroom.

  The programme covers:

  Teacher identity and resilience

  Human development

  Learning theories


  Working with Māori, Pasifika and students with special needs

  Learning te Reo Māori and some basic Samoan language

  The teaching as inquiry cycle

  A research inquiry project focused on working with priority learners.


  Such teachers will be well equipped to work with any learners in the New Zealand primary or intermediate classroom.


  EDCR801 Ako: Teaching and Learning

  EDCR802 The Responsive Teacher in Aotearoa New Zealand

  EDCR803 Curriculum and Assessment

  EDPT801 The Adaptive Teacher

  EDUC901 Teaching as Inquiry

  EDUC902 Critical Reflection on Practice

  Career opportunities

  Graduates will be able to apply for provisional registration with the New Zealand Teachers Council. You will be able to teach in a primary or intermediate classroom.

  Holding a master’s degree in teaching and learning should be an advantage in the current competitive employment market.

  Graduates planning to continue with postgraduate study should note that this qualification does not automatically lead to doctoral study. You would be required to complete additional study in a research methodologies paper at master‘s level.

  - See more at: http://www.aut.ac.nz/study-at-aut/study-areas/education/postgraduate-study/master-of-teaching-and-learning#sthash.ab9OE3WN.LAOrexB6.dpuf



