





发布时间:2023-03-04 点此:24次

  金牌老师介绍,-Master of Teaching and Learning (中小学教育),4个7.5. 1年,2月份开学。180个学分,36900/180学分。

  奥塔哥大学-Master of Teaching and Learning






  Master of Teaching and Learning (MTchgLn)


  The Master of Teaching and Learning (MTchgLn) endorsed in Primary or Secondary Education is an intensive, research-informed programme of postgraduate study, usually completed in one calendar year of full-time study, or its equivalent in part-time study.

  Top graduates from any discipline will be considered for this prestigious qualification. Student teachers will engage in an inquiry-based approach and intensive and extensive practice, working in partnership with schools and the University, which will lead to enhanced practitioner skills at individual, group and whole-class level.

  In addition to meeting the requirements for provisional teacher registration in New Zealand, students of this programme will be enabled to become teacher researchers as they move into the profession of teaching.

  This unique and innovative qualification is a joint initiative between the University of Otago College of Education and University of Waikato Faculty of Education. Each institution will award their own Master’s dee.

  Information for new applicants

  The College of Education welcomes further applications to study on the Masters of Teaching and Learning in 2016.

  New international students should contact the International Office for advice on admission to their intended programmes.

  Applying for study in your chosen programme is part of the process of enrolling for study at the University of Otago.

  View the Enrolment at Otago webpage for more details.

  A guide to what is requested as part of the application process

  When submitting your application you will need to provide information related to your personal details, contact information and educational background. You will also need to provide additional information specific to your application; which is detailed below.

  Applicants whose first language is not English or Māori must provide certified results of an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score of 7.5 in the academic version (with no individual component below 7.5).

  Academic qualifications e.g. university/polytechnic transcript; we require a witnessed copy if it is not from the University of Otago, which you will then scan and upload to your application.

  If you have a medical condition you will be required to provide a medical certificate from your Doctor / Specialist regarding your ability to complete a programme at the College of Education. Scan and upload to your application.

  A Consent to Disclosure form can be downloaded from the application screens. Fill in the fields and sign, then scan and upload to your application.

  Recent experiences and involvement relevant to a career in teaching; type this out on one page of an A4 sheet and upload to your application.

  Employment record. Please bullet point the place worked, the position you held and the start and finish dates. Type this directly in to the relevant section of your application.

  A personal statement telling us who you are as a person, why you wish to enter the programme(s) you are applying for and your strengths. We expect about one page of an A4 sheet. This is to be handwritten; then scanned and uploaded to your application. This is the part of your application where you indicate you would like to be considered for the Master of Teaching and Learning.

  Confidential referee reports: please provide two Referee Reports.s.

  The report template can be downloaded below, or during the online application process. Fill out the required sections and send to your referees to return directly to us (A freepost address is provided on the form). Your application is not complete until we have received the reports from your referees.

  Once your application has been submitted

  If you are shortlisted you will be contacted to arrange an interview. If your application has not been successful you will be notified of this via your e:Vision student portal.

  If your interview is successful you will be offered a place in the programme via your e:Vision student portal. This may be a conditional offer if there are prerequisites still to be completed, such as NCEA or completion of a Bachelor’s Degree. If you are not successful after the interview you will be notified of this.


  If you receive an offer of study you must accept or decline this offer and ensure that you have completed the selection of your papers.



