




奥塔哥大学关于新冠肺炎疫情的通告 - 学费以及

发布时间:2023-03-04 点此:23次

  湖南出国留学云消息,奥塔哥大学关于新冠肺炎疫情的通告 - 学费以及学习计划变动问答如下:

  Q: If I cannot make it to New Zealand to study in Semester 1 due to the travel ban, will the University be charging my tuition fees?


  A: We realise that this is a very unusual situation and we will not be charging tuition fees for students who cannot make it. If you have already paid your fees you will be eligible for a full refund.


  Q: Will I be charged a late fee if I cannot pay my tuition fees on time?


  A: No. There will be no late fees for students unable to get to the University of Otago from China as planned.


  Q: I haven’t been able to pay my fees as I am not able to get to bank in person – what is the last date for this? Can I pay my fees late?


  A: Please contact AskOtago and register. We have a level of flexibility and look forward to working with you and your individual circumstances.


  Q: Will the University be charging my accommodations fees for University flats and University-owned colleges?


  A: If you have signed a lease for a University-owned flat or are due to move into a University-owned Residential College, but can no longer make it for semester 1 as planned, you will not need to pay accommodation fees. Any accommodation fees that you have already paid to the University will be refunded in full. Unfortunately, we have no control over private accommodation arrangements.


  Q: What is the latest day that I can start my course?


  A: At this point we cannot provide a date. This will depend on your course of study. Please contact AskOtago, telephone (0800 808 098 or +64 3 479 7000) or email university@otago.ac.nz and register so that we can discuss your individual circumstances with us. The sooner you contact us and register, the sooner we can work with you on these important details.


  电话:0800 808 098 or +64 3 479 7000


  Q: If I’m not present, how will I keep up my studies?


  A: Where possible we will be offering online options as a short-term measure. Again, please contact the University through Ask Otago so that we can discuss details for your particular course of study.


  Q: If I cannot make it to New Zealand for semester 1 as planned, what are my study options with the University of Otago?


  A: We are still working out what is possible. We hope to be able to confirm temporary online options for some courses soon, but these may not be possible in all courses. Once again, we ask that your register with AskOtago and we can work with you on your personal circumstances.

  Options that you may want to consider are: Starting in semester 2 (if your course of study allows this), or Deferring to 2021


奥塔哥大学关于新冠肺炎疫情的通告 - 学费以及

  Q: Does mainland China include Hong Kong? I’m in Hong Kong, and not sure if I can travel to New Zealand?


  A: Presently (5 February 2020), there is no travel ban for travellers leaving Hong Kong to New Zealand. Please check with the SafeTravel site in New Zealand for updated information. (https://www.safetravel.govt.nz)

  答:截止目前(2020年2月5日)尚未有针对香港地区往来人员的禁令。但建议随时关注新西兰SafeTravel site以便获取及时更新。(此处不适用于过境的学生)

  Q: If I have an offer at the University of Otago, and I am unable to start, will my offer still stand for semester 2, 2020 or semester 1, 2021?


  A: Yes. We look forward to welcoming you at the University of Otago as soon as possible.


  Q: What do I do if my visa expires and I have difficulty having it renewed in time for when my study starts?


  A: The University does not control the visa situation. However, along with the other New Zealand universities, we are asking our country’s immigration authorities to adopt a flexible approach. We will keep you updated on this. If your register with AskOtago we will be able to keep you updated on our progress with Immigration New Zealand.(https://www.immigration.govt.nz)


  Message from Professor Harlene Hayne, Vice-Chancellor, University of Otago.

  “I recognise that it is currently a difficult situation for many of you. We are thinking of you, and please be assured that we are doing all we can to help you through the current circumstances. You are a valued member of our community, and we very much look forward to welcoming you here at as soon as possible.”

  来自奥塔哥大学校长Harlene Hayne教授的问候:




