发布时间:2023-03-06 点此:37次
教育联盟金牌老师介绍,,-Master of International Business (MIntBus)不限本科专业背景,国际商务硕士课程介绍:
奥克兰大学Master of International Business (MIntBus)
Quarter 1
BUSMGT 701 Professional Development Modules 1
BUSMGT 711 Managing People and Organizations
BUSMGT 712 Business Analytics
Quarter 2
BUSMGT 702 Professional Development Modules 2
BUSMGT 713 Financial Reporting and Control
BUSMGT 714 Economics for Managers
Quarter 3
BUSMGT 703 Professional Development Modules 3
BUSMGT 741 International Business Environments
BUSMGT 742 International Trades and Finance
Quarter 4
BUSINT 704 Internship Project for MIntBus
BUSMGT 743 Competing in Asia
BUSMGT 744 Global Strategy and Operations
Quarter 5
BUSMGT 715 Corporate and Marketing Strategy
BUSMGT 716 Strategy Capstone
BUSINT 701 Applied Research Design
Quarter 6
BUSINT 702 Cases in International Business and Management
And choose one of the following courses
BUSINT 703 International Business Project
BUSINT 704 Internship Project for Business
BUSINT 705 International Business Dissertations